Gibbet Hill Farm is excited to announce a new farming partnership with Groton School. By partnering with Groton School, we will have use of a three-acre field that will allow us to grow crops that require larger acreage such as:
· Soup beans
· Beets, Fall
· Broccoli, Fall
· Brussels Sprouts
· Carrots, Fall
· Cauliflower, Fall
· Corn
· Melon (cantaloupe and watermelon)
· Winter squash (delicata, acorn, kubocha, spaghetti, pie pumpkin)
In the coming weeks, our farm manager and her apprentices will begin plowing the field. Before school lets out, we will welcome Groton School students to join us in our greenhouse as we begin seeding some of the crops.

In the fall, the educational aspect our partnership with Groton School will kick into full gear. Students will have the opportunity to work in the fields, as we teach them hands-on, the various aspects of farming. We look forward to sharing our nutritional, farm-to-fork harvests with Groton School’s dining hall.

Guests of Gibbet Hill Grill, Scarlet Oak Tavern, and The Bancroft will also enjoy these benefits and our chefs at each of our restaurants incorporate all that our farm produces this growing season and beyond!